Mission: To maintain a sustainable funding source dedicated to mental health resources in Grand County.
Vision: To fund initiatives that support and enhance a network of sustainable mental health resources in Grand County.
Key Objectives: access, awareness, prevention, and stigma reduction.
Our Story
Building HOPE Grand started as a group of people recognizing the lack of access to mental and behavioral health resources in Grand County and the toll that it was having on residents. Mental and behavioral health problems were running rampant causing irreparable tragedies. The memorial funds created for those whose lives were taken by this mental health epidemic eventually developed into the H.O.P.E. (Healing Opportunities through Prevention Efforts) Fund, inspiring this website, Building HOPE Grand. Since Building HOPE Grand’s inception, we have had Grand County residents’ needs in mind and hope to alleviate some of the stresses that come with finding mental and behavioral health resources.

Parker's Story
Born and raised in Winter Park, Parker Seemann loved art, music, skateboarding, and of course skiing. Parker grew up in the ski program since he was two and just like so many other Grand County locals he was always up for an adventure. Parker’s battle with addiction started in his late teens. His family sought care out-of-county, however when Parker returned to Grand County it was difficult to find professional recovery support. Parker tragically lost his battle with addiction in 2020. Throughout his journey, he remained kind and was always making his friends and family laugh. His family worked with the Grand Foundation to create a memorial fund that eventually became the H.O.P.E. Fund, which hosts this website. His family and us at Building Hope Grand do not want his story to be forgotten and if our efforts can assist even one person in their addiction recovery or mental health struggles then we have succeeded.
We make every effort to ensure our directory is inclusive and accurate. If you find any information is outdated or excluded please reach out to avery@grandfoundation.com